Hardphones Vs. Softphones – Everything You Need To Know

July 21, 2022

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a telephone technology that enables Internet-based phone calls. Businesses use VoIP to simplify conference calls, update communication capabilities, lower total phone costs, and improve customer communication.

Softphones are VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phones that work in a similar way to hardphones but are a piece of software that can be loaded on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Except for being a software package having an interactive user experience, such as a software dial pad made up of buttons you click on a screen, this program will typically have all the functionality you can expect from a VoIP phone.

Everything you need to know about Softphones:

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) technology, which is used by softphones, is a free and open-source platform that is simple to incorporate into web-based applications. It functions on all internet-connected devices, including laptops, desktop computers, and even mobile devices, so it is the perfect option for a remote workforce.

Perhaps, the biggest advantage of using softphones is that they are less expensive than hardphones as they don't require any actual hardware beyond the existing computer platforms in your business.

Everything you need to know about Hardphones:

The phones resemble each other so closely and as a result hardphones are the most comparable to conventional phone systems. The phones normally have an IP network connection and are linked to a workstation. As a result, instead of using the old-fashioned subterranean copper connections, they make calls online.

Modern Voice over IP have greater capabilities such as call recording, feature of do-not-disturb, call forwarding, they also offer built-in displays for video calls and conferencing.

A hardphone features all the typical parts of a standard business phone. There are buttons, a base, and a portable receiver. A touchscreen display is also expected, however, its size and intended use would vary depending on the phone and VoIP provider.

Outbound Calling

Softphones :

  1. A headset could be included if wanted or if one is not already possessed, but there is no additional hardware, making it less costly. Licensing and service fees are the only costs.
  2. Reboots of the PC or other system outages could have an impact.
  3. All functions are software-based and include GUI components, however, keyboard and mouse shortcuts may be supported.
  4. Faster and simpler to deploy and keep up. System administrators may deploy and upgrade VoIP software simultaneously across all workstations.


  1. Higher cost. It involves new hardware that will typically consist of a phone receiver and a base with display, button, and camera functionalities.
  2. Usually, there is little downtime. Ethernet provides power.
  3. Varies. usually features physical buttons, such as the well-known dial pad, although other variants have touchscreens with complete graphical user interfaces.
  4. It takes longer and needs more work to adopt throughout the whole organization since new hardware must be installed.

While dedicated hardphones are probably a better match for an executive's desk, softphones are a great option for those who will be making and receiving calls for most of their day, such as those who work in call centers. If your main concern while making a purchase is portability, softphones can be more appealing to you.

Knowlarity is a trusted Softphone solution provider and offers personalized services for enhancing the customer experience for your business. It is the leading cloud telephony services provider with over 300+ employees globally, offering high reliability and intelligence and a supportive team to resolve issues and cater to your business specifications. For more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with our sales team on (1800-1020-340).

Written By:  Farha


Outbound Calling
Cloud Telephony
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