
What is Call Management Software?

Software for call management helps agents to track and manage inbound and outbound calls. It provides organizations with a 360-degree view of the entire call operations. Knowlarity's call management software is a multifaceted solution that allows call routing, IVR system integration, call recording, and call tracking capabilities. It enables agents to speed up their work with the auto-dialer facility. The call logs enable the management to gain real-time insights into client conversations, learns about their issues, and simultaneously gauge agent productivity. It helps provide streamlined communication and better CX by integrating existing with their CRMs.

Benefits of Call Management Software

Cost-effective solution with a comprehensive range of capabilities

Analytics Insights

Analytics Insights

Extract call analytics in real-time for proactive actions and future training of the staff

No Capex & Minimal Investment

No Capex & Minimal Investment

A cost-effective solution for comprehensive call management capabilities without infrastructure requirements.

Track Agent KPIs

Track Agent KPIs

Track different metrics such as Average response time, call abandonment rate, etc., to know the success of the call operations.

Improve efficiency

Improve efficiency

Manual and repetitive tasks are automated. Auto dialer and automated calls and allow agents to solve complex customer issues.

Better CX

Better CX

Understand the customer behaviour, provide quick and correct responses and provide an enhanced CX.

Boost Lead Generation

Boost Lead Generation

Integration of existing CRM with the call management software provides a 360-degree view of the customer lifecycle. Helps in better lead generation and management.

Features of the Call Management System


Call Tracking

The solution tracks customer calls, records conversations, and provides insights into customer issues.


Call Recording

Track customer calls and never miss a potential lead. Ensure brand loyalty by always connecting with the customers.


IVR Integration

The solution offers an IVR integration facility allowing businesses to respond to customer queries efficiently.


Call Routing

Smartly route calls to the available agents and provide quick customer connectivity.



Reduce agent idle time by automating the dialing process.


Call Forwarding

Redirect calls to agents' mobile phones and landlines to ensure 24x7 connectivity.

Call management Software Use Cases




Archit Srivastava

Archit Srivastava

Vikas Ranjan

Vikas Ranjan

Ria Pandit

Ria Pandit

Trusted by over 6000+ organizations across 65 countries

Today we are trusted by over 6000+ businesses across 65+ countries and is the leading cloud communication provider in emerging markets serving across multiple industrial verticals. We have a globally recognized name with over 300+ employees offering our clients unprecedented reliability and intelligence by enabling business communication through voice, video, AI and messaging through our smart platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Call Management Software?downArrow
The call management solution helps track customer calls and handle all the incoming and outgoing calls with excellent efficiency. Businesses can integrate the software with other technologies such as IVR to offer customers seamless connectivity.
What are the features of the Call management software?downArrow
The software has several features which combine to improve the efficiency of the call operations and derive the best results. The software has the call routing feature, which connects free agents quickly to the customers. It has a call recording facility that helps businesses understand customer problems and monitor agent performance. Call tracking capability is also available, with which a customer can track all the inbound and outbound calls using a single dashboard. IVR Integration is also available, which facilitates quick query resolution with self-help menus, and callers can also choose to connect with a live agent to resolve their issues. Call forwarding in the inbound call management software allows forwarding the calls to any mobile or landline number. The auto-dialer feature reduces the agent's idle time as the software automatically dials the following number in the contact list and quickly connects the agents with the customers.
How can I choose the best call management software provider?downArrow
It would be best to choose a trustworthy call management solution provider with core expertise in technology and goodwill in the market. Knowlarity has been serving more than 6000 organisations in 65+ countries and is known for reliability and a wide range of high-quality products.
How can I get the call management software?downArrow
Businesses can easily buy the software at cost-efficient prices. Knowlarity offers the call management system at competitive pricing.
How will the Call Management System help my business?downArrow
The inbound call management software offers several advantages to a business—seamless communication with the customers. Clear communication helps in understanding the customer's issues. A company can always connect with existing and prospective customers with tracking capability. Moreover, they can offer better CX by understanding the customer pain points with information collected from the analytics. It helps boost agent efficiency by monitoring their performance with different call center metrics and providing the proper training to improve their skills. In a nutshell, the software is more than call tracking software as it comes with a comprehensive set of capabilities that helps businesses in many ways.
Is there any requirement for hardware to install the software?downArrow
No, there's no requirement for hardware or any traditional infrastructure. The software is a smart plug-n-play solution that businesses can easily integrate with the existing CRM. They can start using the software and manage calls.
How long does it take to set up the inbound call management software?downArrow
The software can be easily set up and installed within a few hours, and businesses can start using the software the same day.
Is the call management software costly?downArrow
No, the software is available at reasonable prices enabling all small and mid-size businesses to buy the software without any worries.
How does the software help in maximising profitability?downArrow
The software helps maximise profitability by enabling businesses to track the inbound and outbound calls. They never miss a lead and nurture it to get a better lead conversion ratio.
Is the software suitable for all kinds of businesses?downArrow
Yes, the call management software is appropriate for every business as they can reap the solution's benefits and streamline their call operations. The solution will help them understand their customers better and provide them with an enhanced customer experience. No heavy investment is required, and small and medium-sized businesses can easily afford the technology.