
One of the prime food delivery operators is using Knowlarity's Click to Call Solution along with Number masking to engage with its customers seamlessly

A leading Food Delivery chain uses Knowlarity's Cloud business communication solutions to Protect the Privacy of its Customers

One of the prime food delivery operators is using Knowlarity's Click to Call Solution along with Number masking to engage with its customers seamlessly

A rapid change in the consumers' food ordering patterns compelled the food delivery industry to evolve. With the advent of emerging technologies, automated optimizing channels offer quick customer service transforming the experience.

    Customer name

    Food Delivery

    Organization site


Absence of a streamlined communication channel which could allow tracking of customer interactions while securing the privacy of the customers

The food delivery industry was facing issues in connecting the customers to their delivery executive on a communication platform that facilitates call recording, call tracking and hiding customer details to the agent and vice versa.

This was impacting the overall delivery system without a proper channel of monitoring system in place. With the increase in demand, the existing operating system was lacking a well-structured communication platform to keep up with customer expectations.

Main Challenges:

Low connectivity between customers and delivery executives No Live call tracking No Call recording No Number masking

The company was looking to overcome all these challenges with the integration of Knowlarity's Click to Call Solution.

Knowlarity's Cloud-based Click to Call Solution enabled with Number masking has helped the food delivery giant to implement quick and productive changes

Knowlarity's Click-to-call solution along with Number masking enabled a secured line of the network to offer seamless customer support. The call is now initiated by the delivery executive from their delivery mobile app which gets connected to the customer by pushing a complex logic through call CDR.

Success Post Knowlarity Solution

The leading food delivery is now able to connect with its customers effortlessly while keeping their data secure.

A distributed contact center powered by Knowlarity offered the opportunity to manage automated, streamlined, and flexible customer support services. This has aided the food delivery industry to manage their services across pan India on a high operating mode with more than 98 percent success rate.

Milestones Achieved

Real-time monitoring with live call tracking and call recordings
Number masking enabled hiding the contact details of customers and delivery agents
Connectivity of delivery executives with customers is more than 98%
10 lakhs calls everyday with 6000+ concurrent calls"