
Indianmoney uses Knowlarity’s Click to Call to Educate People on Financial Products

Indianmoney leverages Knowlarity's Click to Call Solution to establish seamless communication with its customers

Indianmoney uses Knowlarity’s Click to Call to Educate People on Financial Products

Indianmoney is the largest online financial education platform that educates over 2300 people on the phone everyday to offer financial guidance. Its aim is to offer aid to its customers in buying the right financial products.

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Unlocking the Code of Multiple Channels on a Single Communication Platform

Being an online financial education platform, Indianmoney struggled to connect with all the customers through their existing communication platform who wanted to enquire about any financial product.

Hence, this reduced their capacity of answering to only half of the calls out of the total calls received. They follow a process where a customer gives miss call on their business number and they make a call back using Click to Call to offer free financial consultation.

Lacking a single and smart digitized platform has reduced its capacity for business communication gradually. It slowed down the whole lead generation process and core business operations. As a result, their Customer Experience (CX) journey was impacted due to low communication connectivity.

Reliable, Flexible and Agile Technology to Scale at Ease

Using our API’s to integrate with Indianmoney's in-house CRM has allowed them to customize their workflow. As a result of which their agents can initiate calls to customers with increased channel utilization.

Success Post Knowlarity Solution

Easy to Use and Simplified Platform for Improved Customer Experience

50% improvement was witnessed in the call volume answered with Knowlarity’s Click to call. Now with the ease of flexibility, multiple agents can make concurrent calls that have aided in scalability as well. Customer support service and management have now access to unique login credentials and real-time analytics insights from Knowlarity’s analytics dashboard. The real-time call recording has also aided the Quality Analyst team to extract recordings with an effective decision-making process in understanding the consumer trends as well as offer future staff training for improved CX.

Milestones Achieved

Customer service delivery improved by 50%
Over 60,000 to 80,000 calls are covered in everyday
99% of calls are initiated within 4 seconds
Real-time call recordings for instant insights
Real-time monitoring of financial advisors
Streamlined Core Business Operations