What Is Outbound Dialing? How Does An Outbound Dialer Work?

July 18, 2022

Contact centers and customer-care departments have been thriving on automated outbound dialers for many years. These dialers eliminate the need to dial large 10-digit numbers manually and can manage an enormous volume of calls made to potential customers. Customer-facing businesses (small-scale and large-scale) choose outbound dialers because of the efficiency they facilitate in the outbound-calling process. This article studies outbound dialing in depth, together with its benefits and mechanism.

What is an Outbound Auto-Dialer?

An outbound auto-dialer is a computer telephony integration (CTI) that helps automate the process of making outbound calls. Here, sales agents or customer-care executives leverage such solutions to place outbound calls to prospective customers. In the traditional approach of outbound call dialing, the agents had to dial the calls manually. It steals their productivity & prevents them from staying focused on the more essential tasks. But with the advent of the outbound dialer, agents can seamlessly perform their jobs while automating outbound calling through such solutions. Some prominent outbound auto-dialers types are power dialers, preview dialers, predictive dialers, and progressive dialers.

Benefits and Functionalities of an Outbound Auto-Dialer

With the help of an automatic call facility, agents can seamlessly work on other tasks. Here are some of the benefits businesses can enjoy by leveraging outbound dialers:

  • With the automatic calls of outbound dialers, agents can manage large call volumes at a quick pace.

  • This software system can leverage the customer information listed in integrated CRM solutions to initiate automatic calls for campaigns.

  • Such solutions also allow customer care executives and sales agents to manage calls from one place.

  • With outbound auto-dialers, agents can place large call volumes without wasting any time dialing a large string of numbers manually.

  • Companies can generate automatic calls with pre-recorded voice messages to help up-sell and cross-sell, increasing business revenue.

  • It increases agents' occupancy and productivity by leveraging specialized algorithms. Such solutions can determine when the executive will finish the current call. The system already fills the queue with another call from the number list.

  • Outbound dialers also come with call records and reports that the top-level executives can extract actionable insights from the data reports and analytics.

  • Businesses can also integrate interactive voice response (IVR) systems with a human-like voice so that when the customer answers the automatic call, the system can redirect the customer to the specific agent or department.

  • Such solutions enhance agent and customer experiences.

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How Does an Outbound Dialer Work?

All modern outbound dialers leverage the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), eliminating the need for physical equipment. These solutions can remain hosted over cloud or installed on a computer. In most cases, modern outbound dialer apps remain hosted on the cloud and utilize cloud technology for call record storage, analytics, processing, etc. Moreover, most modern outbound auto-dialers use the cloud because hosted dialers are easy to install and set up.

The software system also records all inbound calls (often come from campaigns) and lists the customer numbers. The outbound dialer will then chalk out which customers to call from that list based on the already-mentioned rules. Before generating an automatic call, the outbound auto-dialer system filters unproductive leads and non-potential numbers from the number list. Then, it starts placing automated calls with call recording and call monitoring enabled.

Would you like to improve the process of your existing outbound calling through the best outbound auto-dialer software? Try Knowlarity, the best outbound auto-dialer solution provider that enhances ROI for sales and facilitates efficient lead generation through campaign management functionalities.

Written By:  Manna Khare


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