Missed Call Solutions and Customer Segmentation: How Businesses Can Target The Right Audience at the Right Time

Mar 9, 2023

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, it is crucial for businesses to target the right audience at the right time. This is important for maximizing customer engagement & sales. One great way to achieve this is with the help of missed call services & customer segmentation.

Missed call solutions, also known as missed call marketing, is a super popular way of marketing commonly used by businesses from developing countries like Africa & India. It includes the use of toll-free numbers that customers call & hang up after a ring or two. This missed call is then recorded & an automated text message with a pre-determined message is sent to the customer.

The statistics show the role that missed call services are playing in India and highlights how Indian businesses have improved their customer services, customer engagement, lead generation, customer retention, customer segmentation & ROI growth in a positive way. A few such reports include:

  • Missed call for business is an effective way to engage with potential customers, especially in emerging markets, where internet access is limited but mobile phone usage is high. As per a report by Mobile Marketing Association India (MMA), missed call campaigns are performing extremely well and have a 90% open rate & 30% conversion rate.

  • Indian businesses are commonly utilizing the power of missed call number India for customer verification, lead generation, & customer feedback. A KPMG study found that missed call services were super effective in rural areas of the country as they provide a simple & cost-effective solution for any business to engage with its customers.

This technique has proven to be highly fruitful in the Indian markets because it requires minimal effort from the customer end & is easily accessible even to people without an internet connection or smartphones. Buying a missed call number India can turn into a game changer for local businesses.

However, the potential of missed call services is not limited to developing markets but can be used in developed markets as well in combination with customer segmentation. This could turn out into an even more powerful tool for businesses targeting specific audiences.

What is Customer Segmentation?

Customer segmentation is the process of segregating customers into different groups based on some characteristics like behaviors, preferences, or demographics. Customer segmentation has become an important step for businesses with time. It helps them in creating more targeted campaigns for marketing which are more likely to resonate & has a probability of generating higher engagement & sales.

The effectiveness of customer segmentation can be increased when it works along with missed call solutions. The combination of both can take a business to new heights by reaching the right audience at the right time. Let’s learn how these work together for business success.

Missed Call Solutions and Customer Segmentation

How Do Customer Segmentation & Missed Call Solutions Work Together?

1. Firstly, any business can utilize the potential of missed call solutions to gather customer insights. Businesses can easily include a prompt in the messages they sent after receiving a missed call from a customer. These prompts can be helpful in collecting additional information about the customer such as: gender, location, age, interests, etc.Later on, this information can be used to divide customers into different groups. This will help in creating tailored & targeted marketing campaigns for each group.

For example: A clothing brand can use missed call services to offer discounts on their new collection. They gathered customer data & divided them into groups based on age & gender. Now they are allowed to create different campaigns like social media campaigns for the younger demographic, TV commercials for the older demographic, and so on.

2. The next way is to use missed call services by targeting customers at the right time. This can be done by analyzing when a customer is most likely to call or miss a call. Businesses can schedule promotions accordingly at the optimal time for different segments of customers.

For example: A fast-food chain can go for missed call marketing for offering a discount on their breakfast menu & used customer data to segment them into groups based on their locations. Now, they could send out promotions at different times for different groups.

3. Customer engagement & loyalty can also be increased when a business decides to use missed call services. Businesses are now able to offer personalized promotions along with experiences for each group of customers. This can be used as a plus point for a business as it is understanding & valuing customer needs & preferences as the priority & give customers a feeling that they are valued.

For example: A beauty company uses missed call marketing to offer free makeup consultations & segment customers into groups based on their makeup preferences & skin type. The brand can now easily offer personalized recommendations, tips & tricks, etc. to the set of customers & make them feel valued.

How Businesses Can Target The Right Audience at the Right Time

Final Words

The value that the combination of missed call services along with customer segmentation holds can have really amazing effects on any business. It can lead a business to great heights when used in the best possible manner. But the question here is how to buy missed call number.

In this digital world, it is not difficult to find a missed call service provider online but the catch is if your selected brand is fulfilling your business requirements or not. Knowlarity is one such brand that offers missed call services catering to multiple industries & thousands of companies.

We understand your needs & offer you the best suit of additional services that might help in overcoming the issues that your business is facing currently. You can contact us for more discussions & information.

Written By:  Manna Khare


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