Call Management Software – Effective Tools, Processes And Metrics Businesses Need

Jan 16, 2023

Call management software is a technological solution that enables a business to manage call center operations more efficiently. Simply put, call management software is a call management system with which a business can handle its business calls seamlessly.

Here are the effective tools, processes, and metrics businesses need to make the most out of the call management system.

What is Call Management Software?

A call management software can route calls within the customer support team as per the set parameters. The main purpose of call management software is to effectively handle business calls by following a set system.

A business can use parameters like time-based routing, skill-based routing, or any other framework to handle business requirements effectively using call management software.

Effective Tools for Call Management Software

It is important to have the right set of tools in call management software so that a business can meet its objectives. Some of the popular effective tools in call management software are as follows:

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Any automated calling system in India is expected to have an IVR system with which customers can manage their interactions with a business without the need for a human agent. IVR helps automate call center operations with ease.

Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)

ACD is a system with which the software distributes the calls evenly among the team. It receives all the customer incoming calls & automatically distributes them to an available agent. ACD is a great tool for call management as it manages large volume of customer calls & helps reduce agent idle time hence improving customer experience.

Call Recording

As the name suggests, the call recording tool helps record the calls and store them on the cloud. These recordings can be accessed for evaluating agent performance and making the required changes for growth. The same recording can also be used for training purposes. Recorded calls are also important for resolving customer complaints or queries.

Call Routing

Call routing is an essential tool for any call management software as it enables it to route incoming customer calls to the appropriate & dedicated agent depending upon the customers’ issue. This tool helps in improving the first call resolution along with the overall customer experience. Call routing is not only a useful tool from customers’ perspective but also important for your agents as now they are handling the calls they are trained for.


Callback is the tool that is used with the call management software for getting back to the customers’ who approached your business. Any business can add this extra layer of positivity to the customer experience either by using IVR or the telephone keypad option to let your customers request a callback from the business.

Real-Time Reporting

An efficient call management software can report results on a real-time basis. The ability to track all the customer calls & business performances helps a business make data-driven decisions. All the call data reports can be prepared based on real-time data & can be used to analyze the call metrics & agent performances.

Knowlarity offers all these capabilities along with several other technologically-ahead business communication solutions.

Effective Tools For CMS

Processes for Call Management Software

A call management software needs to follow set processes for delivering results. Here are some of the processes for call management software:

Skill-Based Routing

Calls are distributed as per the skills of the team in this process. For instance, if the call is for a query or issue being faced by a customer, it will be transferred to the customer service team. Similarly, if it is a sales call, it is routed to the sales team.

Time-Based Routing

As businesses operate in a globalized ecosystem, calls are distributed to the teams who are in working hours at that time. A business may need to have teams working in different parts of the globe to execute this.

Talk-Time Routing

Under this process, more calls are assigned to agents that can close the customer query in the least amount of time. The key expectation here is to resolve customer queries in the fastest manner. However, it sometimes puts more pressure on the performing agents.

Fixed Order Routing

This is the traditional form of routing where calls are assigned to agents in a sequence. In case an agent is not available, the call is then transferred to the next agent.

Knowlarity empowers us to handle business communication as per the end objective of the business.

Metrics for Better Call Center Performance

Several metrics can be tracked by a business to improve call center performance. Here are some of the important metrics that a business should follow for better call center performance:

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT is mainly about tracking the experience received by the customer as part of their interaction with the business. It can be done by conducting after-call surveys, email surveys, or any other medium that helps to get the required information from the customer.

First-Call Resolution Rate (FCR)

FCR is followed widely in the industry to track performance. It tracks the number of queries that were resolved in the first call.

Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT is another important metric to be tracked for better performance. It is the time spent on each call. There needs to be a balance between the time spent on each call and the expected response received by the customer.

Average Speed of Answer (ASA)

ASA is the time a customer has to spend waiting during a call. It is in the interest of a business to reduce ASA for better performance.


These are some of the metrics, processes, and tools that can be considered by a business with effective call center software. It is critical to follow these to make the most out of the call management system. Knowlarity can help us do all this and more. You can contact us for more information about our cloud telephony products & services.

Written By:  Divya Shukla


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